What people are saying about the Big Jersey Guitar Club:


“This is just what I need!”

— F.F.

“Yesterday’s first lesson was brilliant. I did not know what to expect. I’ve been seriously challenged by the class and I love it…Thanks for your enthusiastic sharing and great teaching.

— J.K.

“It was great to participate in today’s Zoom. Your decision to be an early adopter of remote learning so many years ago is definitely a blessing.”

— T.C.

“Learning songs this way with Frank’s guidance is wonderful. Love all the little extra nuggets of information he drops here and there.”

— S.O.

“Enjoying the Charlie Christian sessions...You put fun back into my playing.”

— B.A.

“Thanks for telling me that it was okay to join at my level. I thought I would spend the Ellington classes just trying to get the chords right. I’m definitely doing that; I’m also, much to my surprise, playing some of the melodies and improvising. A lot of it is going over my head, and that’s okay.”

— E.W.